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Teachers: We’re Hiring

July 09, 2024
By Fund for Teachers

Fund for Teachers’ fellowships are based on the belief that teachers know best what they AND their students need to succeed. We also believe that teachers know best what our organization needs to most effectively support teachers. That’s why we started our Educator Advisory Council (EAC). And that’s why we want you to APPLY for the two-year term/paid opportunity.

We are looking for past Fellows to serve as EAC members, committed to furthering our organization’s ability to ignite culturally sustaining teacher leadership through rich, self-designed professional learning.   

Furthermore, we are committed to hiring a group that is diverse in their identities, location, and teaching assignment.  

The EAC provides educator perspective and feedback that guide the ongoing development of programs at Fund for Teachers. During the 2023/24 school year, this intrepid group helped us increase the racial diversity of our fellowship applicants and recipients and began work to amplify the impact of our grants.  

In the 2024/35 school year, we hope to:  

  • Continue to increase the diversity of the Fellows selected for our fellowship, and    
  • Review data and teacher work samples to understand the impact of our fellowships.

Here are the high-level details:   

  • 2-year commitment  
  • $700/ year stipend  
  • Approximately 20–25-hour time commitment/ school year, including:
    • 1 virtual, 1-hour orientation meeting (only in the first year)
    • 5 virtual, 1.5-hour whole group meetings (usually 5-7pm CT)
    • 3 virtual, 1-hour small working-group meetings, and, 
  • Periodic individual work including offering feedback and meeting pre-work.

APPLY HERE by July 23 to be considered.

When asked why she wanted to join the EAC, Susie Kang (Manhattan, NY) responded: “I was excited about the opportunity to collaborate with teachers outside my school ad district, and to hear the perspectives of educators from different parts of the country. I strongly believe that Fund for Teachers is one of the most incredible grant opportunities available to teachers because of the freedom given them in designing a learning opportunity that is unique to them.”

Ricardo Alvelo (Bridgeport, CT) added: “I believe Fund for Teachers is right: Teachers know what our students and schools need. I wanted to be part of the EAC to learn how to push that idea further and give teachers, families and students opportunities to experience more joy in the classroom.”