Our Executive Director’s 2017 Reflection

We all remember a teacher who touched our lives. No matter how old you were or what they taught, I guarantee that our favorite teachers shared common traits…
• They believed in us.
• They believed we could be better and do more.
• They challenged us.
• They brought passion, purpose and joy to learning.
• They connected us to a bigger world beyond the classroom and put us on a new path for learning.
Every single one of our Fund for Teachers Fellows is like your favorite teacher. Every day they are changing the lives of their students. These teachers don’t sit back; they make change happen. They dream up ways to make learning more connected, more real, and more fun. They dissolve the walls of their classrooms and bring student learning into the community. In an FFT classroom, learning is necessary and urgent. It has purpose.
We see over and over that the learning sparked by an FFT fellowship ripples far beyond one classroom. Through FFT, you are helping to change the learning path of hundreds if not thousands of tomorrow’s problem-solvers and global citizens – the stewards of our future. As I write, thousands of 2018 grant applicants are committing to paper the dreams they have for their students. In April, a new class of preK-12 teachers will join the 7,500+ FFT Fellows who dare to do more for their students.
We are the only organization in the country that invites teachers in any school, no matter the content or grade level, to think big, be creative and bring joy, challenge and passion to learning. Their aspirations and accomplishments seems a fitting symbol of the hope, light and humanity that fills this season of the year.
Your investment makes all of this possible. Thank you for playing your part. The Fund for Teachers board and staff join me in wishing you a Happy New Year.
Ever forward,