EdEquity Resources
June 11, 2020
By Fund for Teachers

Fund for Teachers is working to compile a trove of resources on Education Equity from diverse sources for the collective learning of our Fellows and everyone in our community. Check back often for updates. Have a resource you’d like to share? Email liza@fundforteachers.org.
- Teaching Anti-Racist, Anti-Bias Themes in a Racial Pandemic: Fund for Teachers Fellow and Teaching Tolerance advisory board member Jamilah Pitts suggests that when teachers choose to remain silent about moments of racial tension or violence—violence that may well touch students’ own communities or families—these children are overtly reminded of their inferior place in society. Engaging in dialogue about mass incarceration rates; the militarism of police and the killing of innocent black men and women is but one antidote to systemic racism. Apple podcast | Spotify
- Scaffolded anti-racism resources: We love how this document is organized by the stages of identity development in relation to race. It is an amazing collection of resources to facilitate white persons’ growth.
- Teaching for Black Lives: A collection of materials and resources highlighting the ways educators can make their classrooms and schools places of resistance to white supremacy and anti-Blackness, as well as sites for knowing the hope and beauty in Blackness.