Circle Up, Fellows

Circles are a powerful metaphor for our Fund for Teachers learning experiences. If you imagine a group of people standing in a circle, the shape itself is an equalizing force – no one person is in front or behind. Instead, everyone stands on equal footing. Fellows will take the lead, facilitating the circle and sharing practice. Each Fellow is valued for the expertise they bring, and their presence is necessary to keep the circle whole.
In a recent survey, Fellows shared that engaging students (virtually, hybrid and even in person) is a top priority. This Circle is an opportunity to join other Fund for Teachers Fellows as you dig into student engagement and identify and test powerful strategies that can amplify your impact in your virtual classroom. You will have the opportunity to define specific problems of practice and find solutions that work in your classroom. Reflection, collaboration and risk taking will be integral elements of this professional learning experience.
This learning opportunity is free for Fellows in good standing who meet the following additional criteria:
- Driven to find solutions to problems you are struggling with;
- Willing to take risks and test possible solutions in your virtual classroom;
- Seeking a collaborative learning experience that won’t include conference-style ‘sage on the stage’ lectures; and,
- Can commit to actively engaging in all meetings (6-7:30 CT) on Zoom:
- October 1
- October 15
- October 29
- November 12
- December 3
- December 17