We Need You…to Lead a Circle

What are Innovation Circles?
Innovation Circles is a new grant program at Fund for Teachers (FFT) designed to stimulate and enrich teacher innovation. Through self-designed learning experiences and virtual Circle meetings, Fellows have the funds and collaborative peer support to design outside of the box.
What do Lead Fellows Do?
As a Lead Fellow for an Innovation Circle, you will guide Circle participants (also Fellows) along a path to design unique classroom-based innovations. These innovations should be grounded in students’ needs and will demand a certain amount of testing and risk taking. This means you will need to create time and space for participants to build community, share, refine and problem solve. While you may have deep expertise in the Circle topic, your role is that of facilitator, not instructor.
Why Lead Fellows?
Fellows with experience in the Circle topic and who have worked to implement changes in their own classroom are uniquely qualified to support others. In addition, Lead Fellowship opportunities give Fellows access to teacher leadership experiences that they may not have in their schools.
The Details:
- Build virtual community with 10-15 Fellows in your circle.
- Plan and facilitate monthly meetings, virtually. Some meeting materials will be provided.
- Collaborate with FFT to identify a key common ‘text’ for the Circle topic.
- Monitor Fellows’ progress to inform Circle meeting design.
- Communicate with Fellows between Circle meetings to answer questions, communicate meeting logistics etc.
- Collaborate with other Lead Fellows to problem solve and navigate Circle leadership.
- Demonstrate expertise with the topic through ‘text’ selection, strategic questioning and feedback on Fellow’s work. The topics determined by Fellow interest, are outlined here.
- Use Fund for Teachers for support in Fellow learning and grant administration. NOTE: FFT will provide administrative support and Fellow communications related to technology, grant funds and grant deliverables.
- Lead Fellows will be paid a $1500 stipend.
How Might Your Time be Divided?
The Ideal Candidate:
- Believes that teachers can and should stretch and try new things in their classrooms – that they are designers and creators.
- Is interested in growing their skills as an adult learning facilitator.
- Is passionate about the Circle topic.
- Has experience teaching and/or facilitating online.
- Has approximately 30-40 hours to spend on this project between April, 2022 and January, 2023.
- Is currently an educator and FFT Fellow.
Interested in applying? Complete the application, here.
Have questions about the position? Reach out to Liza Eaton, Director of Programs, The Ramsden Project.